105 research outputs found

    Eksperimentas edukologijoje: patirtis ir perspektyvos

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    The article investigates typical educational research mistakes as well as objective and subjective grounds for them. It attempts to hypothetically define methodological procedures which would enable the mitigation of the consequences of mistakes and the achievement of methodologically mature results of educational experimentation. The research has been based on the analysis of experiments in Lithuanian dissertations on education.Santraukos nėra

    Nuotolinis suaugusiųjų mokymas(is) mokymosi visą gyvenimą kontekste

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    The lifelong learning paradigm opens vast possibilities of returning to learning and flexible participation in learning for adults. This concept emphasizes modern learner-centered learning forms that allow adults to learn according to their possibilities, pace and timing. Effective application of distance learning and its elements in lifelong learning process remains to be an issue. The article presents results of a research about possibilities of distance learning application, including results of teacher and learner survey. The survey results include aspects of motivation for participation in distance learning, learning forms that are being used, the most burning issues and differences of teacher and learner attitudes. The survey results demonstrate that the elements of distance education are being employed through the paradigm of traditional learning as the most frequently used elements of distance education are provision of references or Internet sources. Teachers who work in the mode of distance education employ different teaching methods, but the most frequent is independent work, provision of information, development of independent skills, practical assignments. The major motivation for distance education is personal interest and convenience. The teacher respondents emphasized the importance of sufficient resources, especially human resources. The survey analysis has showed that the elements of distance education are the most often used in educational establishments and rather rarely in business enterprises and vocational training schools. Distance education in business is the target of the future and its success will depend on the accessibility and quality of these services.Socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarėVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinių mokslų fakultetoEdukologijos katedraK. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44044 KaunasTel. (8 37) 32 78 21El. paštas: [email protected] Socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarėVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinių mokslų fakultetoEdukologijos katedraK. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44044 KaunasTel. (8 37) 32 78 21El. paštas [email protected] visą gyvenimą paradigma atveria plačias mokymosi galimybes suaugusiesiems, kartu siūlo šiuolaikinių, į besimokantįjį orientuotų, mokymosi formų, leidžiančių mokytis pagal galimybes, tempą ir turimus laiko išteklius. Ypač svarbus efektyvus nuotolinis mokymasis visą gyvenimą. Straipsnyje pristatomi nuotolinio mokymo taikymo galimybių tyrimo duomenys – pateikiami dėstytojų ir besimokančiųjų apklausos rezultatai. Atskleidžiami dalyvavimo nuotoliniame mokymesi motyvacijos aspektai, naudojamos mokymosi formos, aktualiausios dėstytojų ir besimokančiųjų požiūriu problemos. Tyrimo duomenys parodė, kad nuotolinio mokymosi elementai dažniau taikomi švietimo institucijose (mokyklose, universitetuose) ir rečiau – verslo įmonėse, profesinio mokymo institucijose. Nuotolinis mokymasis įmonėse yra ateities siekiamybė, jo sėkmė priklausys nuo paslaugų prieinamumo ir kokybės


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    The main function of higher education institutions is to prepare students for their future activity, to develop their creative strengths, critical thinking, problem solving and constructive communication skills. One of the most important abilities of an active, responsible individual who can act independently is self-management, i.e. being able to plan and organise one’s learning process and ability to reflect. A university research has revealed that some 1st -year and 4th -year social science students describe learning independence as student’s participation in planning, monitoring, correcting, and assessing one’s own learning process and results. The emphasis is put on creativity, ability to make right decisions in a new learning situation when putting the present and new knowledge together, search for more diverse solutions, taking responsibility for the learning process and future outcomes. Socialinių mokslų (edukologija) daktarė docentėVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinių mokslų fakultetoEdukologijos katedraK. Donelaičio g. 52-402, LT-44244 KaunasTel.: +370 37 327 827El. paštas: [email protected]ų mokslų (edukologija) daktarė lektorėVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinių mokslų fakultetoEdukologijos katedraK. Donelaičio g. 52-402, LT-44244 KaunasTel. +370 37 327 827El. paštas: [email protected]ė aukštųjų mokyklų funkcija – rengti studentus būsimai profesijai, plėtoti jų kūrybiškumą, kritinį mąstymą, problemų sprendimo ir bendravimo įgūdžius. Atliktas tyrimas rodo, kad dalis socialinių mokslų srities studentų gebėjimą veikti savarankiškai studijų metu apibūdina kaip paties studento dalyvavimą planuojant, stebint, koreguojant ir vertinant savo mokymosi procesą ir pasiektus rezultatus. Akcentuojamas kūrybiškumas, gebėjimas priimti tinkamus sprendimus naujoje mokymosi situacijoje, derinant turimas ir naujas žinias, įvairesnių problemos sprendimo variantų ieška, atsakomybės už vykdomą veiklą ir būsimus rezultatus prisiėmimas. Kaip pagrindiniai veiksniai, skatinantys veikti savarankiškai studijų metu, įvardijama savikontrolė, motyvacija ir atsakomybė. Dėstytojai, studentų manymu, turėtų suteikti jiems daugiau laisvės ir atsakomybės priimant sprendimus, galimybę išsakyti savo nuomonę ir turėtų naudoti įvairesnius mokymo metodus


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    The article focuses at these elements of family, work and career reconciliation which are relevant for seeking harmony and satisfaction in family and work settings. Presented theme refers to the analysis of work-family or family-work conflict, causes for role conflicts, facilitation strategies, conception of dual and individual career within a family, internal and external factors which influence start-up of conflicts and reconciliation strategies. This article presents results of data, collected during conduction of narrative interviews with young parents (both mother and father), semi-structured interviews with employers, focus group with career guide/human resources specialists and quantitative research with young families. The aim of research was to determine the needs and opportunities of young families who seek to balance family and career by highlighting influence of work activities. Research results identicated reconciliation for young families and career, possibilities for facilitation that is closely linked to dual and single career design couples, trends for career development, aware ness of parent hood and changing roles

    The Impact of Flipped Learning on Students’ Engagement and Satisfaction Development: A Cross-Country Action Research Study

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    [Abstract] Action research has shown that using the Flipped classroom method, students become more active and engaged in educational activities. The Flipped classroom method, used in the activity study, revealed that students were more successful in communicating and cooperating, the process could be made easier by differentiating, playing, including intercultural aspects. This method made it possible to develop higher thinking abilities and increased motivation, and involvement in the educational process was observedResearch was conducted under ERASMUS+ project Flipped Impact (2018-1-TR01-K A 201- 059386)

    Edukologinio eksperimento tinkamumo ir patikimumo planavimas

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    Experimental research is a well known research method in biomedicine, technical and physical sciences. Different definitions of an experiment depend on the science where an experiment is used, on the goals of an experiment, how it is organized, etc. One of the urgent problems is the lack of information on planning an experimental research in education. The first part of the dissertation covers scientific research and document analysis that helps to emphasize the place of an experiment among other research methods, to present the variety of experiments, the phases of an experiment, to define the validity and reliability factors of an experiment, and to construct the model of planning of an experiment evaluating validity and reliability. The survey of dissertations defended in 1996-2005 showed that 30 percent of doctoral students use an experiment combining it with other research methods. An experiment is used in research by those doctoral students who come from education institutions preparing their specialists for education activities. Analysis showed that an experiment is often combined with other research results, most often with literature analysis, survey and monitoring. Survey with doctoral students in education showed that the attitude of doctoral students changes towards planning and implementation of research, and students are able to combine different research methods. However, experiment planning is confused with planning and implementation of research. Doctoral students do not analyse empirical data analysis statistical methods and confuse them. Aiming to clarify how an experiment is used in practice, a half-structure interview was organized. It revealed that doctoral students confuse experiment with planning dissertational research. Doctoral students do not emphasize and do not describe full experiment planning, as well as threats. The case analysis shows that research performed on the basis of the plan brings the results that are reliable and suitable for summarizing. The research proves that internal and external validity assurance model can be applied even to a non classical experiment with certain modifications in the model, ignoring some factors that are not vital for a selected scheme or scenario.Disertacijoje analizuojamas eksperimentas kaip tyrimo metodas. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatoma mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė, kurios pagalba išryškinta eksperimento kaip tyrimo metodo vieta kitų tyrimų atžvilgiu, pristatyta eksperimentų įvairovė, eksperimento planavimo etapai, išskirti eksperimento tinkamumo bei patikimumo faktoriai bei sukonstruotas modelis eksperimento planavimui, įvertinant tinkamumą bei patikimumą. Empirinėje dalyje disertacijų, apgintų 1996-2005 metais, analizė, tęstinė doktorantų apklausa bei interviu parodė, kad apie 30 proc. disertantų naudoja eksperimentą, derindami jį su kitais tyrimo metodais. Disertaciniuose darbuose eksperimentą dažniausiai taiko tų aukštųjų mokyklų, kurios rengia specialistus ugdomajai veiklai, doktorantai. Anketinės edukologijos doktorantų apklausos rezultatai rodo, kad studijų eigoje keičiasi doktorantų požiūris į tyrimo planavimą ir vykdymą, studentai geba derinti įvairius tyrimo metodus, ryškėja tendencija naudoti kokybinius tyrimo metodus. Tačiau eksperimento planavimas yra painiojamas su disertacinio tyrimo planavimu bei tyrimo vykdymu. Bandomąjį eksperimentą atlieka ne visi, kai kurie prieš eksperimento atlikimą organizuoja tik apklausas. Planuojant tyrimą dažnai nėra numatomi duomenų apdorojimo metodai. Atvejo analizė rodo, kad pagal sudarytą modelį atlikto tyrimo rezultatai yra patikimi ir tinkami apibendrinimui. Atliktas tyrimas rodo, kad sudarytas išorinio ir vidinio tinkamumo užtikrinimo modelis gali būti taikomas net ir ne klasikinio eksperimento schemai.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Location of education researches in changing society

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    Every teacher knows what education is and what it should be. However, educational practice today buildings upon the new paradigm of learning demands that teacher not only passively intercepted he knowledge of education science, but were active participants creating it. This can be achieved only by means of scientific research. There are .four different classifications for researches: by level; by nature; by type; by circumstance. These classifications are important to know when we going to start research. Educational researches enable to improve existing programs, teaching process, situation in education. Researches could show an existing (current) situation and a desired situation. Only after analysis of these two points experts of educational system or we could take actions to evaluate and to change current situation in direction of a desired situation

    Nuotolinio kurso kūrimas naudojant NEC-OME-RER metodologiją

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    Ši metodologija yra skirta bet kokio pedagoginio produkto kūrimui. Ji nurodo, kaip žingsnis po žingsnio atlikti tam tikrus veiksmus, kad galėtume gauti gerą ir tinkamą rezultatą. Kiekvienas iš nurodytų žingsnių turi savo reikalingumą, reikalaujamus veiksmus. Šio metodo naudojimas negarantuoja šimtaprocentinės sėkmės, tačiau sumažina nesėkmės tikimybę. Kaip siūlo ši metodologija, reikia naudoti tris skirtingus segmentus: NEC, OME, RER [...]Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Experiment on education science: experience and perspectives

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    The article investigates typical educational research mistakes as well as objective grounds for them. It attempts to hypothetically define methodological procedures witch would enable the mitigation of the consequences of mistakes and the achievement of methodologically mature results of educational experimentation. The reseach has been based on the analysis of experiments in Lithuanian dissertations on educationVytauto Didžiojo universiteta